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Art Audio Files: Chien de Luxe

Art Audio Files: Chien de Luxe
Van Dongen, Chien de Luxe, 1920, oil on canvas, 10 1/4 x 12 1/2 in. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, 83.20. © via ARS. Reproduction, including downloading of ARS works is prohibited by copyright laws and international conventions without the express written permission of Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.
  • Type: Art Audio File
  • Collection: European Art
  • Culture/Region: Europe
  • Subject Area: Fine Arts, Visual Arts
  • Grade Level: K-12, college, adult, Families

When did dogs become “man’s best friend”? The Belgian author Maurice Maeterlinck wonders about these incredible bonds in this excerpt from his book Our Friend the Dog:

When was this recognition of man by beast, this extraordinary passage from darkness to light, effected? Did we seek out the poodle, the collie, or the mastiff from among the wolves and the jackals, or did he come spontaneously to us? We cannot tell. So far as our human annals stretch, he is at our side, as at present; but what are human annals in comparison with the times of which we have no witness? The fact remains that he is there in our houses, as ancient, as rightly placed, as perfectly adapted to our habits as though he had appeared on this earth, such as he now is, at the same time as ourselves. We have not to gain his confidence or his friendship: he is born our friend; while his eyes are still closed, already he believes in us: even before his birth, he has given himself to man. But the word “friend” does not exactly depict his affectionate worship. He loves us and reveres us as though we had drawn him out of nothing. He is, before all, our creature full of gratitude and more devoted than the apple of our eye.

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